Friday, September 18, 2009

Broken Orchestra: Karaoke Outings 1 & 2

So glad to be back in the land of good karaoke. Songs I picked:
  • I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues, by Elton John
  • Can't Stop, by Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Under the Sea, Disney
  • Lean on Me, by Bill Withers
  • Come Undone, by Duran Duran
  • The Scientist, by Coldplay
Lean on Me is beyond me, clearly. It's not a song you should be screaming to hit the notes. After attempting Withers, Come Undone was also beyond. I got it back together for The Scientist, so that was good.

With all of us being from different countries, you struggle to find songs that everyone knows. I ought to make a list for international karaoke groups. Here is the beginning.
  • Bad Beatles songs. Everybody knows Yellow Submarine.
  • Johnny Cash, Ring of Fire.
  • Edith Piaf, La Vie En Rose.* (In the words of a Frenchman, she is their Johnny Cash.)
  • Spice Girls, Wannabe.
  • Britney Spears, Hit Me Baby One More Time.
  • Aqua, Barbie Girl.
  • Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World.
Any more that you think are universal?

*You know, the song that plays in the background whenever any characters in any (non-French) movie go to a French restaurant. I didn't know the words except for soem of the refrain, but I knew the melody enough to join in. Fun was had, and an earworm was caught.

1 comment:

Priya said...

Beatles--yes. I still say "With a little help from my friends" is best since it helps get other people involved and can be goofed off to.

No Take That, West Life, Bryan Adams, Boyzone and also Backstreet boys and them lot at all? Obviously karaoke in Japan is shockingly different from Thai/Berkeley karaokes! Other favourites: Elvis, Whitney Houston/Mariah Carey/Celine Dion, and (in my last trip anyway) Abba.

I can pretty much say I'd never heard of Johnny Cash till I was in the USA and he was never popular during Thai Karaoke--something about longer-term Japanese-US influences/age group there?